§ 11.04. Application.
A person wanting to utilize a valet parking service on a public right-of-way or on private property but, requiring the use of a public right-of-way for the maneuvering of the vehicles, must apply in writing to the Bureau Chief for a valet parking service license. The application must be completed by the commercial property owner or lessee to be benefited by the proposed valet parking service. The applicant must provide the following information:
the names, address and telephone numbers of:
the applicant;
if applicant is a lessee, the owner; and
any independent contractor the applicant intends to use as a valet parking operator;
the proposed location, particularly if the proposed location is on a public right-of-way, of any:
valet parking podium;
stand; or
the location and number of the valet parking spaces, or the location and size of the valet parking zone being requested;
the location of the off street parking area or facility the valet parking operator intends to use for the storing of the vehicles, and a signed contract or agreement showing that the valet parking operator has acquired the legal right to store the vehicles in that area or facility;
proof of insurance as provided for in section 11.12 of this Chapter.
(Ord. of 6-1-1998, Doc. #31261)