Orlando |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 58.350. Relationship to the Growth Management Plan.
The AC-3A Downtown Metropolitan Activity Core district is intended to facilitate the implementation of the following development and design goals and objectives of the Downtown Element of the Growth Management Plan:
Goal 1, to make Downtown Orlando a true regional hub for commerce, government, tourism, education, culture and retail trade by accommodating 11.4 million square feet of office, commercial, industrial and institutional uses by the year 2010.
Objective 1.2, in an effort to create an active street life within Downtown Orlando, special attention shall be afforded to strengthening the retail trade sector within the City Center portion of the AC-3A district, creating special intensity bonuses for commercial development within mixed use projects, requiring parking structures to accommodate active uses on the ground floor, and creating a Retail Development Fund.
Objective 1.6, to establish programs to provide for a net increase of 1000 housing units within Downtown by the year 2010. This may be accomplished through the policies of the Housing Element and by establishing linkage programs for use within the City Center or other linear core subdistricts.
Goal 2, to create a linear core with compact nodes within the AC-3A district, to direct growth to the most appropriate locations, while protecting adjacent residential neighborhoods, and also to encourage a varied skyline. In addition, areas of unique cultural and tourist interest shall be provided and enhanced, along with the adequate provision of public infrastructure to support growth in Downtown Orlando. Support subdistricts outside of the linear core shall accommodate a variety of uses but at lower intensities and densities as provided for in the Future Land Use Element and Land Use Map series.
Goal 3, to create Florida's Premiere Downtown by conserving historic and architectural resources, enhancing the street-level pedestrian environment using established streetscape guidelines, providing parks and public spaces through the development of a Downtown Open Space Trust Fund, installing public art, improving development design review and recognizing cultural and ethnic diversity.
Goal 4, to implement a high capacity intermodel transportation system which maximizes accessibility to and within Downtown Orlando to further the land use and commerce objectives of this major metropolitan activity center, while at the same time protecting Downtown's historic sites and structures, as well as its unique natural features, in order to enhance the identity of Downtown as an active, vital pedestrian-friendly environment.
The linear core subdistricts shown on Figure DT-4, of the Growth Management Plan, of which the AC-3A district is primarily composed, are designed to accommodate high intensity development. The support subdistricts, as identified in the Downtown Element of the Growth Management Plan, contain zoning districts with lower intensities and densities. Both the linear core and support subdistricts are essential for a vital downtown.
(Ord. of 9-16-1991, Doc. #25094; Ord. of 7-26-1993, Doc. #26769; Ord. of 5-20-1996, Doc. #29361)