§ 60.234. General Requirements.

Latest version.
  • Parking lots shall be landscaped to meet the requirements of Chapter 61 - Part 3B, describing layout and spacing of parking lots and driveways, landscape areas, islands, planters, and strips.

    Figure 12. Native Plant List

    Botanical Name Common
    MatureHeight Fig12-1.png MatureSpread Fig12-2.png GrowthHabit fig12-3.png SpacingCategory Fig12-4.png ElectricLineOffset Fig12-5.png SoilMoisture Fig12-6.png DroughtTolerance Fig12-7.png WindResistance Fig12-8.png fig12-9.png
    Acer rubrum Red Maple 30'—60' 40' Upright B 15' Wet or Dry Medium Poor Deciduous; red fall foliage, preferred cultivars Florida Flame and Summer Red.
    Betula nigra River Birch 40'—50' 25'—40' Upright,
    B 15' Wet or
    Low Moderate Deciduous; yellow fall foliage; distinctive bark; good wildlife value; needs acidic soil.
    Carya glabra Pignut Hickory 60'—80' 20'—30' Upright A 20' Well-drained High Moderate Deciduous; edible nut; gold fall foliage. T12-11.png
    Carya ovata Shag Bark 60'—80' 25'—35' Upright A 20' Well-drained High Moderate Deciduous; may be the best ornamental hickory due to open branching habit and shaggy bark.
    Celtis laevigata Hack-
    berry, Sugar-
    50'—70' 50'—70' Rounded
    A 20' Varied Low Moderate Deciduous; food source for birds; tolerates root disturbance, good parking lot & street tree. Fast grower. Edible nuts. T12-11.png
    Fraxinus caroliniana Carolina Ash 40' 20' Rounded
    A 20' Moist to
    Medium Poor Deciduous; multi-trunked.
    Fraxinus pennslyvanica Green Ash 60'—70' 40'—45' Upright, oval A 20' Varied Medium Poor Deciduous; abundant seed set; seedless cultivars are available; rapidly growing tree; large surface roots can develop.
    Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum 60'—75' 30'—50' Upright A 20' Moist,
    High Moderate Deciduous; red fall foliage; spiny burrs a problem when tree overhangs pedestrian areas (fruitless cv. 'Rotundiloba' may avoid this problem); aggressive surface roots.
    Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree 80'—120' 25'—40' Pyramidal A 20' Moist,
    Medium Moderate Deciduous; yellow-orange flower.  T12-12.png
    Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 60'—80' 30'—40' Upright,
    A 20' Varied Medium Excellent Evergreen; large, white, fragrant flowers in late spring. Cultivars Bracken's Brown Beauty, D. D. Blanchard, Chloe, Claudia Wanamaker.
    Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum 65'—75' 25'—35' Pyramidal
    to Oval
    B 15' Moist to Wet High Moderate Also known as BlackTupelo & Sour Gum; deciduous; fall color.  T12-12.png
    Pinus clausa Sand Pine 60'—80' 15'—40' Pyramidal B 15' Well-drained High Poor Evergreen. Sand pines tend to lean, use with caution near structures. Fire resistant.
    Pinus elliotti Slash Pine 60'—100' 30'—60' Upright, open B 15' Varied High Moderate Evergreen; long needles; lower limbs shed with age.
    Pinus palustris Longleaf Pine 60'—80' 30'—40' Upright,
    B 15' Varied High Moderate Evergreen.
    Sycamore 75'—90' 60'—70' Pyramidal
    to rounded
    A 20' Varied Medium Moderate Deciduous; prone to leaf scorch, lace bugs and anthracnose problems; aggressive surface roots. Not recommended in constricted urban conditions.
    Quercus geminata Sand Live Oak 30'—90' 30'—60' Spreading B 15' Well drained, sandy High Excellent Semi-deciduous. Grows smaller, more upright and open-crowned than Q. virginiana. Named for habit of bearing acorns in pairs and for its sandy habitat. Varies in height, 20'—30' in a coastal or scrub habitat and 30'—90' inland.
    Quercus hemispherica Laurel Oak 65'—100' 40' Upright A 20' Well-drained Medium Poor Prone to heart rot; good wildlife value.
    Quercus laevis Turkey Oak 20'—30' 15'—20' Upright B 15' Well-drained,
    High Excellent Deciduous; fall color.
    Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut 60'—80' 30'—50' Narrow rounded A 20' Moist Low Excellent Deciduous; fall color.
    Quercus nuttalii Nuttall Oak 60'—80' 40'—50' Upright A 20' Varied Medium Moderate Similar in nature to the Shumard Oak, the Nuttall Oak grows faster and is well suited for wet sites.
    Quercus shumaraii Shumard Oak 60'—80' 40'—50' Upright A 20' Varied High Moderate Deciduous; fall color; good Laurel Oak substitute; fast grower; tolerates high pH.
    Quercus virginiana Live Oak 60'—80' 60'—120' Spreading A 20' Varied High Excellent Semi-deciduous; spreading oak, durable; life span into centuries; good street tree; disease resistant. Cultivars Cathedral and High Rise.
    Taxodium ascendens Pond
    60'—80' 15'—30' Upright B 15' Dry to Wet High Excellent Deciduous; wildlife value.
    Taxodium distichum Bald
    60'—80' 15'—30' Upright B 15' Dry to Wet High Excellent Deciduous; wildlife value.
    Ulmus alata Winged Elm 40'—70' 30'—40' Rounded
    to Vase
    A 20' Dry to Wet High Moderate Deciduous; distinctive winged characteristic of bark. Wildlife value, good nesting tree.
    Carya illinoinensis Pecan 60'—100' 40'—60' Broad, oval A 20' Moist to well-drained High Moderate Deciduous; edible nut; long lived. T12-11.png
    Cupressus sempervirens Italian Cypress 40'—60' 5'—15' Columnar C 10' Well-drained High Poor Evergreen; very prone to mites and canker.
    Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo 50'—60' 30'—60' Irregular, spreading A 20' Dry to Moist High Excellent Deciduous; species is 150-million years old yet extinct in the wild; pest free; yellow fall foliage.
    Liquidambar formosana Oriental
    40'—60' 30'—45' Pyramidal
    to rounded
    A 20' Well-drained Medium Moderate Deciduous; red, yellow fall foliage; AKA Formosan Gum; 3 lobed leaf.
    Salix alba White Willow 45'—70' 45'—70' Rounded,
    B 15' Moist to Wet Medium Poor Semi-deciduous; graceful form; aggressive roots; salt tolerant fast grower but short life span.
    Ulmus parvifolia
    Allee Elm 40'—50' 35'—50' Upright,
    oval to vase
    A 20' Well-drained High Poor Deciduous; distinct exfoliating bark (lace bark), resistant to Dutch Elm Disease; other varieties are Drake and Bosque.
    Amelanchier arborea Service-
    10'—25' 15'—20' Round,
    C None Well-drained Medium Moderate Good for naturalistic plantings.
    Asimina triloba Paw Paw 15'—20' 15'—20' Round to irregular C None Well-drained High Moderate Good for naturalistic plantings and slope stabilization.
    Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam 20'—40' 20'—40' Upright,
    B 15' Moist to Wet Medium Excellent Deciduous; yellow to red fall foliage; will not tolerate alkaline soil.
    Cercis Canadensis Redbud 20'—30' 15'—20' Upright,
    C 10' Moist to Dry High Poor Deciduous; showy magenta flowers in early spring; yellow fall color. T12-12.png
    Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree 10'—20' 10'—15' Rounded C None Well-Drained Medium Moderate Deciduous; showy, white, fragrant flowers in early spring; wildlife value. T12-12.png
    Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood 20'—30' 15'—25' Rounded B 15' Well-Drained Medium Excellent Deciduous; showy white flowers in early spring; "Weaver" best for Central Florida. T12-12.png
    Crataegus marshalli Parsley Hawthorn 15'—25' 10'—15' Upright
    C None Moist to Wet High Moderate Edible fruit; wildlife value; ornamental parsley like foliage. T12-13.png
    Crataegus opaca Mayhaw 15'—30' 15' Oval C 10' Moist to Wet High Moderate Edible fruit; deciduous; wildlife value; densest of all Crataegus species. T12-13.png
    Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 30' 20'—25' Rounded C 10' Moist to Wet High Excellent Deciduous; edible fruit after first year; good wildlife value; fruit attracts mammals and may cause messy litter. T12-11.png
    Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly Bay 30'—40' 10'—20' Narrow,
    B 15' Moist to Wet Low Excellent Evergreen; white fragrant flowers in late spring; grows best in partial shade (understory and edge of forest tree). T12-12.png
    Halesia diptera Silverbell 20'—30' 10'—20' Pyramidal vase C 10' Well-drained Low Moderate Container or above-ground planter; patio or deck; specimen; understory street tree.
    Ilex cassine Dahoon Holly 25'—30' 10'—15' Upright, dense C 10' Varied Medium Excellent Evergreen; red berries; wildlife value.
    Ilex decidua Possum Haw 10'—15' 10'—15' Rounded
    C None Varied Medium Moderate Deciduous; stabilizes banks; patio tree.
    Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Holly 15'—20' 15'—20' Rounded
    C None Varied High Excellent Evergreen; very adaptable to sites and pH; 'Pendula' is weeping form.
    Juniperus silicicola Southern Red
    30'—40' 20'—30' Conical to open B 15' Varied High Moderate Evergreen; fine needles, dense foliage, fast growth, good buffer plant; very adaptable; wildlife value.
    Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red
    40'—50' 10'—25' Oval to pyramidal B 15' Varied High Moderate Evergreen; windbreak and screen; wildlife value.
    Magnolia grandiflora x
    "Little Gem"
    Little Gem 20'—40' 15'—20' Upright,
    C 10' Well-drained Medium Excellent Evergreen; large, white, fragrant flowers inlate spring. T12-12.png
    Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay 40'—50' 15'—25' Columnar or rounded vase B 15' Moist to Wet Medium Excellent Semi-evergreen; white showy fragrant flowers in summer. T12-12.png
    Malus angustifolia Southern
    20'—25' 20'—25' Rounded C 10' Moist to Dry High Moderate Deciduous; fragrant pink flowers in spring; wildlife value.
    Osmanthus americanus Devilwood 15'—25' 10'—15' Vase C None Varied Medium Moderate Fragrant spring bloom: good hammock and street tree. T12-12.png
    Ostrya virginiana Eastern
    30'—40' 25'—35' Oval,
    B 15' Varied High Excellent Deciduous; wildlife value; good form and attractive orange to grayish brown bark; fall color; tolerant of poor soil.
    Oxydendron arboreum Sourwood 25'—35' 25'—35' Pyramidal B 15' Varied Medium Moderate Deciduous; fragrant white raceme flowers in spring and summer, specimen tree with branches that droop toward the ground forming a graceful outline. T12-12.png
    Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw
    20'—25' 10'—20' Rounded C None Varied not
    High Moderate Early spring bloom; white showy flowers; deciduous tree; salt tolerant; wildlife value; can be weedy. T12-12.png
    Prunus umbellatta Flatwoods Plum 15'—20' 15'—20' Rounded C None Varied not
    Medium Excellent Deciduous tree; white showy flowers late winter to early spring; low salt tolerance; wildlife value. T12-12.png
    Quercus chapmanii Chapman Oak 20' 20' Rounded B None Varied High Excellent Shrubby oak; best on sandhill and coastal area.
    Quercus incana Bluejack Oak 20' 30' Rounded B None Varied High Excellent Attractive blue green foliage.
    Quercus myrtifolia Myrtle Oak 15'—35' 15'—30' Rounded C 10' Varied High Excellent Shrubby oak; oak scrub, pine flatwoods to sandy ridge; short lived; wildlife value.
    Quercus stellata Sand Post Oak 20'—40' 15'—25' Irregular B 15' Varied High Excellent Slower growing of the white oaks; ultimate drought resistant tree; gnarled 'hangmans' tree in xeric settings.
    Rhamnus caroliniana Buckthorn 15'—20' 10'—15' Oval, upright C None Varied Medium Moderate Colorful fruit; can be weedy; wildlife value.
    Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain
    30' 20'—25' Round,
    B 15' Wet Medium Poor Small deciduous or shrub-like tree; efficient for erosion control along lakes and streams.
    Citrus spp. Orange, Lemon,
    15' 20' Spreading B None Well-Drained Medium Moderate Evergreen; many varieties; fragrant white blossoms in spring; prone to 'greening' disease. Some species being evaluated for invasiveness. T12-11.png
    Cupressocyparis leylandii Leyland Cypress 25'—35' 15'—25' Columnar C 10' Varied Medium Poor Evergreen; very prone to canker.
    Diospyros kaki Japanese Persimmon 20'—30' 20' Round,
    C 10' Varied Medium Moderate Excellent fruiting tree for ornamental use and makes an excellent specimen. T12-11.png
    Elaeocarpus decipiens Japanese Blueberry 25'—35' 10'—15' Upright,
    B 15' Well drained Medium Moderate Excellent screening or buffer, good street tree. Small white flowers with small deep blue fruit. Leaves have bronze-red color on new growth; good replacement for East Palatka holly.
    Eriobotrya japonica Loquat 20'—30' 30'—35' Round,
    B 15' Varied Medium Moderate Evergreen; edible fruit. T12-11.png
    Ilex x attenuata
    Eagleston Holly 20'—25' 6'—10' Columnar,
    C None Moist Medium Excellent Evergreen; good substitute for 'East Palatka' Holly.
    Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle 10'—30' 15'—25' Vase C None Varied High Excellent Deciduous; many cultivars available; select by mature height before color. T12-12.png
    Ligustrum japonicum Waxleaf Privet 10'—15' 15'—20' Oval,
    B None Varied High Moderate Specimen tree in landscape.
    Magnolia soulangeana Saucer Magnolia 10'—15' 10' Vase C 10' Varied Low Poor Specimen; needs protection from afternoon sun; prone to scale. T12-12.png
    Magnolia stellata Star Magnolia 10'—15' 10' Vase C None Varied Medium Poor Specimen; needs protection from afternoon sun; prone to scale. T12-12.png
    Parkinsonia aculeata Jerusalem Thorn 15'—20' 20'—25' Vase,
    B None Varied High Excellent Needle-like leaves; yellow flowers; good for xeric site. T12-12.png
    Prunus campanulata Taiwan
    20'—30' 15'—20' Rounded,
    B 15' Varied Medium Moderate Best flowering cherry for deep south; showy pink flowers; prone to shot hole fungus in summer. T12-12.png
    Tabebuia spp. Trumpet tree 25'—35' 25'—35' Oval,
    B 15' Varied High Poor Deciduous; showy pink or yellow flowers in spring. T12-12.png
    Bismarkia nobilis Bismark Palm 30'—60' 10'—20' Upright
    C 10' Varied High Excellent Solitary massive palm with blue-green foliage to bronze-green with a slight red edge. Drought tolerant with no major pests.
    Butia capitata Pindo Palm 15'—25' 10'—15' Upright
    D 8' Varied High Excellent Graceful green/blue to silver foliage; fruit can be made into jelly.
    Chamaerops humulis European Fan
    10'—15' 10'—15' Cluster
    D 8' Varied High Excellent Clustering palm; palmate with deeply dissect fronds; green, blue-green or silvery green fronds; slow growing.
    Cycas circinalis Queen Sago 10'—20' 10'—15' Palm-like D 8' Varied High Moderate Graceful fronds; not cold hardy.
    Livistonia chinensis Chinese Fan
    30'—50' 5'—10' Upright
    D 8' Varied High Excellent Slow growing; good alternative to Washingtonia robusta.
    Sabal causiarum Hat Palm 50' 10'—15' Upright
    D 8' Varied High Excellent Solitary, imposing palm with massive trunk. Drought tolerant. Pest problems are leaf hoppers and susceptible to ganoderma.
    Sabal palmetto T12-10.png Cabbage Palm 30'—80' 10'—15' Upright
    D 8' Varied High Excellent State tree of Florida; heart of palm is edible, known as "swamp cabbage." Native.
    Phoenix canariensis Canary Island
    Date Palm
    40'—60' 15'—25' Upright, long fronds C 10' Varied High Excellent Large, stately palm; needs ample room; heavy feeder. Use with caution; susceptible to disease.
    Phoenix reclinata Senegal Date
    25'—30' 10'—20' Upright, long fronds C 10' Varied High Excellent Multi-trunk palm with graceful, arching fronds.
    Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm 60'—100' 15' Upright, long fronds C 10' Varied High Excellent Edible fruit. Use with caution; susceptible to disease. 'Medjool' is preferred. T12-11.png
    Trachycarpus fortunei Windmill Palm 20'—40' 5'—10' Upright,
    D 8' Varied Medium Moderate Dense fibrous trunk with fan shaped fronds; slow grower.
    Washingtonia filifera Desert fen palm Califonia fan & Petticoat palm 50' 10'—15' Upright
    C 10' Varied High Excellent Solitary robust palm unlike the Mexican Washintonia it does not get as tall but the trunk is much thicker. No major pest problems but susceptible to Phytophthora bud rot.


    Botanical Name Common Name FloridaNative T12-10.png Mature HeightX Spread Fig12-2.png Soil Moisture Fig12-6.png DroughtTolerance T12-15.png T12-16.png
    Large Shrubs
    Acacia farnesiana Sweet Acacia Y 10'—25' × 15'—25' Well—Medium
    High Yellow flowers all year; thorny; provides seeds/cover for birds. T12-12.png
    Aralia spinosa Devil's Walkingstick Y 10'—25' × 6'—10' Well—Medium
    Medium Small white flowers in spring-summer, purplish berries used by wildlife; spiny stems. T12-12.png
    Ardisia escallonioides Marlberry, Marbleberry Y 10'—21' × 3'—12' Well—Medium
    High Fragrant white flowers all year; purple fruits used by wildlife; no pest problems. T12-14.png
    Baccharis halmifolia Groundsel Tree, Sea
    Myrtle, Salt-bush
    Y 8'—12' × 6'—12' Well—Medium
    Medium White flowers in fall; poisonous seeds. T12-14.png
    Bauhinia galpinii Red Orchid N 8'—10' × 8'—10" Well—Medium
    High Dense broad shrub, red-orange orchid bloom summer into fall. T12-12.png
    Bougainvillea spp Bougainvillea N Varies × Varies Well-Drained High Year round color produced by bracts, various colors and foliage available. T12-12.png
    Calliandra spp. and cvs. Powderpuff N 10'—15' × 8'—15" Well-Drained High Hummingbird plant; pink/white flowers in spring-fall. T12-14.png
    Camellia japonica Camellia N 10'—20' × 10'—20' Medium-Drained Medium Popular shrub used in borders and in formation hedges, specimen plants and for colorful accents. Many cultivars, flowers in winter-spring. T12-12.png
    Camellia sasanqua Sasanqua Camellia N Varies × Varies Medium-Drained Medium Showy fragrant flowers in fall-spring, likes acidic soil, evergreen, low salt-tolerance. T12-12.png
    harringtonia 'Fastigiata'
    Japanese Plum Yew, Harrington Plum Yew N 4'—8' × 3'—5' Well-Drained Medium Upright with strong vertical growth. Attractive with bright green spring-growth, very slow grower. Does well in semi-shade to shade. Columnar shape.
    Cestrum aurantiacum Orange Jessamine N 10' × 8' Well-Drained Medium Yellow-orange flowers in spring-summer; poisonous. T12-14.png
    Cocculus laurifolius Laurelleaf Snailseed,
    Carolina Coralbead,
    N 12'—18' × 18'—20' Well-Drained to Medium-Drained High Yellow flowers; poisonous leaves. T12-12.png
    Crataegus spp. Hawthorn Y Varies × Varies Well-Drained to Wet High Good food source for wildlife; good cover for nesting. T12-11.png
    Cyrill racemifolia Titi, Swamp Cyrilla, Leatherwood Y Varies × Varies Medium-Drained to Wet Medium White flowers in late spring-summer; wetland plant; attractive to bees. T12-14.png
    Duranta erecta Golden Dewdrop,
    Pigeonberry, Skyflower
    N 10'—18' × 10'—15' Well-Drained High Evergreen: lavender/blue/white flowers in summer-fall and showy golden fruit; thorny; wildlife value. T12-14.png
    Eugenia spp. Stoppers Y 10'—30' × 5'—20' Well-Drained High Evergreen large shrub or small tree, flowering in spring, summer, fruit maturing in autumn. T12-13.png
    Hamamelis virginiana Common Witchhazel Y 15'—30' × 15'—25' Well-Drained Low Cream/yellow flowers in fall. Naturally occurs farther north, needs cooler temperatures; use with caution. T12-12.png
    Hamelia patens Firebush; Scarletbush Y 5'—20' × 5'—8' Well to Medium-
    Medium Orange/red flowers, esp. summer; mites, whiteflies; scales; butterfly and hummingbird plant. T12-14.png
    Heptaplleurum arboricolum Dwarf Schefflera N 20'—15' × 6'—15' Well to Medium-
    Medium Also known as Schefflera arboricola. Good variegated cultivar is 'Trinette'.
    Hibiscus spp. Hibiscus, Mallows Y Varies × Varies Well to Medium-
    Medium Showy blooms in many colors; damaged in freezes. T12-14.png
    Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea, Bigleaf Hydrangea, French Hydrangea N 6'—10' × 6'—10' Well to Medium-
    Medium White/pink/purple flowers in spring-summer; pest sensitive; deciduous. T12-12.png
    Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea Y 6'—10' × 6'—8' Well to Medium-
    Medium White/cream flowers in summer, good flowering shrub for shade. T12-12.png
    Ilex x 'Mary Nell' Mary Nell Holly Y 10'—20' × 10' Well to Medium-
    Medium Dense leathery dark green foliage makes an excellent screening hedge. Fruit attracts wildlife, many cultivars; important pollen source for bees.
    Ilex cornuta and cultivars Chinese Holly, Horned Holly N Varies × Varies Well-Drained High Dense leathery dark green foliage makes an excellent screening hedge. Fruit attracts wildlife, many cultivars; important pollen source for bees.
    Illicium floridanum Florida Anise Y 10' × 5'—8' Well-Drained Medium Broad-leaved evergreen shrub with a compact stature. The leaves are leathery, smooth and shiny and when crushed, they emit a characteristic anise-like odor. Purplish red star like flowers.
    Illicium parviflorum Yellow Anise Y 15'—20' × 10'—15' Well-Drained
    to Wet
    Medium The yellow anise is the perfect low maintenance shrub. Conical form that doesn't require much pruning and it is seldom bothered by insects or disease. Better adapted to Central Florida than I. floridanum. T12-12.png
    Juniperus chinensis and cultivars Chinese Juniper,
    Japanese Juniper
    N Varies × Varies Well-Drained High The bushy cultivars undipped hedges and anchors for foundation plantings. Nicks compacta. Blue Vase, Spartan and Hetzi are acceptable culitivars. T12-17.png
    Ligustrum japonicum
    and cultivar
    Ligustrum, Japanese Privet N 8'—12' × 15'—25' Well-Drained High Sturdy plant with attractive leaves, evergreen with white flower in summer. "Jack Frost" is good variegated variety.
    Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum, Chinese Fringe Bush N 8'—10' × 6' × 8' Well-Drained Medium White/pink flowers in spring; no major pest problems. Both Bugundy and Ahu-shou. T12-12.png
    Lyonia ferruginea Rusty Lyonia Y 10'—25' × 5'—10' Well to Medium-
    High White-pink fragrant flowers in spring. Rust-colored new growth. T12-12.png
    Murraya paniculata Orange Jessamine N 8'—12' × 8'—15' Well-Drained High White-fragrant flowers all year; pest sensitive; attracts wildlife. T12-14.png
    Musa spp. Banana N 7'—30' × 10'—15' Wet Low Edible fruit; fast growth; watch for Sigatoka leaf spot disease. Frost sensitive. T12-11.png
    Myrcianthes fragrans Simpson's Stopper,
    Y 6'—30' × 15'—20' Well-Drained
    to Wet
    High An attractive medium to large shrub with peeling rust-colored bark. Culitivars such as Simpsons has excellent fruit. T12-18.png
    Osmanthus americanus Wild Olive
    Y 15'—25' × 10'—15' Well-Drained
    to Wet
    Medium Slow growing evergreen shrub or small tree with white, very fragrant flowers in fall-spring; fruit for wildlife. T12-12.png
    Osmanthus fragrans Tea Olive, Fragrant Olive, Sweet Osmanthus N 10'—12' × 10'—14' Well-Drained Medium Slow growing evergreen shrub or small tree with white, very-fragrant flowers in fall-spring. Other medium sized species are x fortunei and heterophyllus. T12-12.png
    Philodendron x cvs Philodendron N Varies × Varies Well-Drained
    to Wet
    Medium The leaves are usually large, often lobed or deeply cut. Can also be oval, spear-shaped, or many others. Cultivars used such as Evansii and Williamsii.
    Philodendron selloum Split leaf or
    Tree Philodendron
    N 6'—12" × 10'—20' Well to Medium-
    Medium Grows as a large semiwoody shrub with enormous glossy leaves and a single erect unbranched stem that tends to fall over and sprawl when the plant gets large.
    Pittosporum tobira
    Pittosporum N 8'—12' × 12'—18' Well-Drained High Broadleafed evergreen shrub; leathery glossy green leaves are arranged alternately in a whorl around the stem. Compact cultivar "Louisiana Compacta'
    Podocarpus macrophyllus Podocarpus N 30'—40' × 20'—25' Well-Drained High No serious pest problems; high wind resistance.
    Rhododendron cultivars Azalea Y Varies × Varies Well-Drained Medium Among the most common woody flowering shrub in the southeast, with many shapes, sizes and flower colors: cultivars G.G. Gerbong, Formosa, George Tabor & Southern Charm. T12-14.png
    Rhododendron austrinum Florida Flame Y 6'—10' × 4'—8' Well-Drained Medium Native azalea, yellow orange fragrant flowers in spring, select disease resistant varieties. T12-14.png
    Rhododendron canescens Piedmont or Pinxter Y 8'—12' × 6'—10' Well-Drained Medium Native azalea with pink/white fragrant flowers in spring, found along stream banks. T12-12.png
    Strelitzia nicolai Giant Bird-of-Paradise,
    White Bird of Paradise
    N 20'—30' × 15'—20' Medium-Drained Medium Blue-white flowers all year, fast growth; frost-sensitive. T12-14.png
    Tecoma stans Yellow Elder, Yellow Trumpetbush N 20' × 15' Well-Drained Low Yellow flowers in summer to winter; may die to the ground in north FL and return in the spring. T12-14.png
    Ternstroemia gymnathera Cleyera, Ternstroemia N 12'—20' × 5'—10' Well to Medium
    Medium White fragrant flowers in spring; good as hedge. T12-12.png
    Tibouchina urvilleana Princess Flower, Glory Bush, Lasiandra N 10'—15' × 10'—15' Well-Drained High Also known as Tibouchina semidecandra; purple flowers all year. T12-12.png
    Viburnum obovatum Walter's Viburnum Y Varies × Varies Well-Drained High White flowers in winter-spring; small black fruit used by many birds; good nesting cover. Excellent hedge plant. T12-14.png
    Viburnum odoratissimum Sweet Viburnum N 15'—30' × 15'—25' Well-Drained Medium White flowers in spring; susceptible to leaf spots, powdery mildew, and downy mildew; no major insect problems, but watch for aphids and scales; often grown as a hedge; thins in shaded sites. T12-17.png
    Viburnum odoratissimum var. Awabuki Awabuki Viburnum N 15'—20' × 15'—20' Well-Drained Medium Also know as Viburnum awabaki; white flowers in spring; good under power lines - takes well to pruning. T12-17.png
    Viburnum rufidulum Rusty Blackhaw,
    Southern Blackhaw
    Y 20'—25' × 20'—25' Well to Medium
    High Fall color (scarlet-purple); large cluster of small white flowers in spring; small black fruit used by many birds; tolerates occasionally wet soil. T12-14.png
    Vitex agnua-castus Chaste Tree N 10'—20' × 10'—20' Well-Drained High Purple flowers in summer, attracts wildlife. T12-14.png
    Yucca aloifolia Yucca, Spanish Bayonet Y 3'—12' × 3'—6' Well-Drained High White flowers in spring to summer. T12-14.png
    Medium Shrubs
    Abelia X grandiflora Glossy Abelia N 6'—10' × 6'—10' Well-Drained Medium Pink/White Flowers in spring-fall; no pest problems; doesn't flower in shade. T12-12.png
    Acca sellowiana Pineapple Guava, Feijoa N 8'—15' × 8'—15' Well-Drained High Also known as Feijoa sellowiana. T12-19.png
    Acrostichum danaeifolium Leather Fern, Giant Leather Fern Y 4'—8' × 3'—5' Medium-Drained
    to Wet
    Low Large fern; good for wet sites in shade.
    Agarist populifolia Pipestem, Fetterbush, Doghobble Y 8'—12' × 5'—10' Well-Drained
    to Wet
    Medium White, fragrant flowers in spring. T12-12.png
    Agave decipiens Century Plant False sisal Y 5' × 5' Well-Drained High Used more as an accent plant. Spiny leaves. T12-17.png
    Allamanda Schotti Bush Allamanda, Bush Trumpet N 5'—15' × 4'—10' Well-Drained Medium Yellow flowers all year; no pest problems. T12-12.png
    Alpinia zerumbet Shell Ginger N 6'—12' × 3'—5' Well-Drained Low Herbaceous dark green foliage to variegated with white or yellow flowers on canes. T12-12.png
    Asimina obovata Scrub Pawpaw Y 6'—12' × 4'—6' Well-Medium
    Medium Medium sized deciduous shrub with large number of flowers in late winter and spring. Fruit matures in late spring. T12-19.png
    Bougainvillea spp Bougainvillea N Varies × Varies Well-Drained High Year round color produced by bracts, various colors and foliage available. T12-12.png
    Breynia disticha Snow on the Mountain N 4'—6' × 4'—6' Well to Medium-
    High Variegated-green, white and pink foliage, excellent shrub or screen.
    Brunfelsia grandiflora Yesterday-Today-and-
    N 7'—10' × 5'—8' Well-Drained Medium Lavender/purple/white flowers in spring-fall. T12-12.png
    Buddleia lindleyana Butterfly Bush, Lindley's Butterfly Bush N 4'—6' × 4' Well-Drained Medium Excellent for butterflies. T12-14.png
    Callicarpa americana Beautyberry Y 6'—8' × 6'—8' Well-Drained High Attracts wildlife; purple fruits eaten by birds. T12-17.png
    Calycanthus floridus Carolina Allspice, Eastern Sweetshrub Y 6'—9' × 6'—12' Well to Medium-
    Medium Red flowers in spring-summer. Naturally occurs farther north; use with caution. T12-12.png
    Carissa macrocarpa Natal Plum N 2'—20' × 2'—20' Well-Drained High Also known as Carissa grandiflora; white fragrant flowers all year; edible fruit. T12-11.png
    Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Y 6'—20' × 6'—8' Medium-Drained
    to Wet
    None Flammable...plant 30' min. from bldg.; butterfly and hummingbird plant. Use in wet sites. T12-17.png
    Cephalotaxus Harringtonia 'Nana' Japanese Plum Yew, Harrington Plum Yew N Varies × Varies Well-Drained Medium A low, spreading shrub that sends up suckers, forming a thicket.
    Chionanthus pygmaeus Pygmy Fringetree Y 6'—12' × 15'—20' Well-Drained Medium White flowers in spring; purple fruits in late summer, attracts birds. T12-17.png
    Clethra alnifolia Sweet Pepperbush Y 4'—8' × 4'—8' Well-Drained
    to Wet
    Medium White, fragrant flowers in summer; attracts bees and other wildlife. Naturally occurs farther north; use with caution. T12-14.png
    Coccoloba uvifera Seagrape Y 3'—35' × 10'—50' Well-Drained High Fragrant white flowers in spring; edible fruit. T12-19.png
    Codieaeum variegatum Croton N 3'—8' × 3'—6' Well-Drained Low Colorful foliage; sensitive to pests. Frost-sensitive.
    Duranta erecta Golden Dewdrop, Pigeonberry, Skyflower N 4'—8' × 6'—8' Well-Drained High A sprawIing, sometimes vinelike tender evergreen shrub or small tree. It forms a multi-stemmed clump with branches that droop and trail. Blue tubular flowers with golden berries. T12-14.png
    Elaeocarpus decipiens
    'Little Emperor'
    Little Emperor N 6'—8' × 6'—8' Well-Drained Medium A compact shrub featuring lush, dark green foliage and bronze new growth. Fragrant creamy-white flowers yield decorative blue-black fruit that will not stain paving. T12-12.png
    Fatsia japonica Japanese Aralia, Paperplant N 5'—8' × 3'—10' Well-Drained Medium Glossy dark green lobed leaves for deep shade. Tropical appearance. Tolerant of urban conditions.
    Forestiera segregata Florida Privet Y 4'—15' × 3'—12" Well to Medium-
    High Yellow flowers in early spring; fruit provides food for wildlife. T12-12.png
    Galphimia glauca Thryallis, Rain-of-Gold N 5'—9' × 4'—6' Well-Drained Medium Upright fine textured shrub with light green foliage. Showy cluster of yellow blooms all year; no major pest problems. T12-12.png
    Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia, Cape Jasmine N 4'—8' × 4'—8' Well-Drained Medium Also known as Gardenia angusta; white fragrant flowers in spring-summer; nematodes, scales; use iron fertilizer; requires acid soil. T12-12.png
    Hamelia patens Firebush, Scarletbush Y 5'—20' × 5'—8' Well to Medium-
    Medium Orange/red flowers, esp. summer; mites, whiteflies, scales, butterfly and hummingbird plant. Fast grower. T12-14.png
    Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea, Bigleaf Hydrangea, French Hydrangea N 6'—10' × 6'—10' Well to Medium-
    Medium White/pink/purple flowers in spring-summer; pest sensitive; deciduous. T12-12.png
    Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea Y 6'—10' × 6'—10' Well to Medium-
    Medium White/cream flowers in summer; good flowering shrub for shade. T12-12.png
    Itea virginica Virginia Willow, Virginia Sweetspire Y 3'—8' × 2'—4' Well-Drained
    to Wet
    Medium White flowers in spring-summer occurs naturally in wet soils. T12-14.png
    Jasminum multiflorum Downy Jasmine N 5'—10' × 5'—10' Well-Drained Medium White fragrant flowers all year; pest sensitive. T12-12.png
    Jasminum nitidum Star Jasmine, Shining
    N 3'—5' × 4'—6" Well-Drained Medium Evergreen or semi-evergreen vine or shrub with sweetly fragrant, snow-white, pinwheel shaped flowers. T12-12.png
    Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii nana' Dwarf Burford Holly N 4'—6' × 4'—6' Well-Medium Drained Medium Dense leathery dark green foliage. 1—3 spines at tip. White spring flowers and abundant red berries. Compact habit great for low hedges.
    Loropetalum chinese 'Blush' Loropetalum, Chinese Fringe Bush N 6' × 4'—5' Well-Drained Medium Blooms early to mid-season with medium-green to burgundy foliage. Relatively-compact. T12-12.png
    Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle Y 10'—20' × 10' Well-Drained Medium Evergreen shrub, may be trained to tree form. Wax from berries was once used in the manufacture of candles. Wildlife value. Susceptible to fungus.
    Nerium oleander Oleander N 6'—10' × 4'—5' Well-Drained High Fast growing evergreen shrub with showy flowers; many cultivars ranging in height and color. Dwarf varieties include Petite Pink and Petit Salmon. T12-12.png
    Pittosporum tobira
    Wheelers Dwarf
    Pittosporum N 3'—4' × 3'—4' Well-Drained Medium Broadleafed evergreen shrub; dwarf variety that grows to only about 2 feet [in] height called 'Wheeler's Dwarf'
    Plumbago capensis Plumbago N 3'—10' × 3'—10' Well-Drained Medium Evergreen shrub forming a loose, rounded mound; blooms most of the spring, summer and fall in various shades of blue. 'Royal Cape' has cobalt blue flowers. T12-12.png
    Rhapidophyllium hystrix Native Lady Palm Y 6' × 6' Moist to Well-
    Medium Native palm with dense, clumping form on multiple stalks.
    Rhaphis excelsa Lady Palm N 6' × 6' Moist to Well-
    Medium Does well in some shade. Dense, clumping form-on multiple stalks.
    Rhododendron cultivars Azalea Y Varies × Varies Well-Drained Medium Among the most common woody flowering shrub in the southeast, with many shapes, sizes and flower colors. T12-14.png
    Sabal minor Dwarf Palmetto, Blue-stem Palmetto Y 4'—9' × 4'—8' Well-Drained
    to Wet
    High Fruit attracts wildlife in fall. T12-17.png
    Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto Y 5'—10' × 4'—10' Well-Drained High Good wildlife value.
    Strelitzia sp Bird of Paradise N 3'—5' × 3' Well-Drained
    to moist
    Medium S. reginae (orange) and S. nicolai (white). White Bird of Paradise grows to 25 ft. height. T12-12.png
    Crape Jasmine, Pin wheel Flower N 6'—10' × 3'—6' Well-Drained Low White fragrant flowers in summer; watch for scales, mites, nematodes, and sooty mold. T12-12.png
    Thunbergia erecta King's Mantle, Bush Clock Vine N 4'—6' × 5'—8' Well-Drained to
    Medium Drained
    Medium Purple flowers all year; used as hedge in south Florida; tough plant; pest resistant; unclipped plants sprawl across the ground. T12-14.png
    Vaccinium arboreum Sparkleberry Y 6'—25' × 4'—15' Well to Medium
    Medium White flowers in spring; showy fall colors; attracts wildlife; attracts pollinating insects; tolerates occasionally wet soil. T12-14.png
    Vaccinium corymbosum
    Vaccinium myrsinites
    Vaccinium danrrowii
    Blueberry Y 1'—12' × 1'—10' Well to Medium
    Medium White flowers in the spring; black fruit in fall attracts wildlife; edible; prefers moist, well-drained conditions. V. corymbosum available commercially. T12-18.png
    Viburnum odoratissimum Sweet Viburnum N 8'—12' × 5'—8' Well-Drained Medium Very fast growing evergreen.
    Viburnum obovatum Walter's Viburnum Y Varies × Varies Well-Drained High White flowers in winter-spring; small black fruit used by many birds; good nesting cover, "Mrs. Sheeler's Dwarf. T12-14.png
    Viburnum suspensum Sandankwa Viburnum N 6'—12' × 6' Well-Drained Low Evergreen; coarse texture, attractive compact form. Flowers are white with pinkish tints and give way to small round red berries in autumn.
    Small Shrubs
    Agave spp. Century Plant Agave Y 2'—4' × 3'—6' Well-Drained High Succulent armed leaves. Species varying in sizes include Agave angustifolia, desmettiana, ferox and geminiflora.
    Aloe Aloe N Varies × Varies Well-Drained High Choose species adapted to climate; flowers variable; injured by frost in extreme North FL; occassional caterpillars; invasive assessment: Aloe vera assessed and not invasive, others not yet assessed.
    Allamanda schottii Bush Allamanda, Bush Trumpet N 5'—15' × 4'—10' Well-Drained Medium Yellow flowers all year; no pest problems; makes an open hedge; plants in shade flower poorly. T12-12.png
    Asimina reticulata Pineland Pawpaw Y 2'—6' Well-Medium
    Medium Small deciduous shrub flowering in spring and fruit maturing in spring or early summer. Wildlife value. T12-18.png
    Buxus microphylla Littleleaf Boxwood N 3'—5' Well-Medium
    Medium Compact evergreen shrub; shallow rooted, short life span due to nematode problems and mites.
    Caesalpinia Poinciana N Varies × Varies Well-Drained Medium Region depends on species and cultivar. Choose species adapted to climate; flowers variable. T12-17.png
    Callistemon viminalis Lil John Bottlebrush N 3' × 3' Well-Drained High Compact, mounding dwarf bottlebrush, blooms spring through fall. T12-12.png
    Cephalotaxus harringtonii 'Prostrata' Crawling Yew N 2'—3' × 4'—5' Well-Drained Medium A broad spreading plant attractive in spring when new growth is pale lime green. Good for filling in under or near larger trees. Shade loving. Very slow growing, 10 years to mature size.
    Conradina spp. False Rosemary, Scrub Mints, Beach Rosemary Y 1'—3' × 1'—3' Well-Drained High C. canescens is a good choice. T12-12.png
    Crinum americanum Swamp lily Y 2' × 3' Well Drained-
    Poorly Drained
    Medium Year round large fragrant flower, used in aquatic or moist locations. T12-12.png
    Crinum spp. Crinum lily N 4' × 4' Well Drained Medium Year round large fragrant flower, prone to leaf spot. T12-12.png
    Gamolepis Bush Daisy N 2'—4' × 3'—4' Well-Medium
    Medium Herbaceous perennial or sub-shrub that grows in a mound-like bush; yellow daisy like flowers. T12-17.png
    Hamelia patens compacta Dwarf Firebush Y 3'—5' × 3'—5' Well-Medium
    Medium Florida native Firebush Hamelia patens has orange-red tubular flowers with hair-like leaves, bloom throughout summer. Butterfly and hummingbird plant. T12-14.png
    Ilex cornuta "Rotunda" Rotunda Holly N 2'—3' × 3'—4' Well-Medium
    High Dense leathery dark green foliage with sharp spines make it a good low barrier. Abundant red berries.
    Ilex vomitoria cvs Dwarf Yaupon Y 3'—5' × 3'—5' Well-Poorly
    High Dense and compact habit with close-knit branches and brillant maroon new growth, can be brittle. Small greenish, white flowers in spring. Excellent cultivars 'Nana' & 'Stokes Dwarf (Schillings). T12-12.png
    Ixora X cvs Ixora N 3'—5' × 3'—5' Well-Drained Medium A woody shrub with dark green glossy leaves and colorful flower clusters that bloom year round. Some varieties have pinkish-red, yellow, or white flowers, acid-loving plants, that is pH sensitive and prone to pest. Maui varieties are most reliable. T12-12.png
    Juniperus chinensis
    Parson Juniper N 2'—3' × 4'—7' Well-Medium
    High Dense long slender branches form evergreen dome shaped mound at maturity. Prone to spider mites. T12-17.png
    Leucophyllum frutescens Texas Sage,
    Texas Ranger,
    N 3'—5' × 3'—5' Well-Drained High Gray-green evergreen shrub with lavender spring flowers; prefers dry, hot, sites. T12-17.png
    Loropetalum chinense"'Plum Delight" Loropetalum,
    Chinese Fringe Bush, also known as Pizazz
    N 3'—5' × 3'—5' Well-Drained Medium A finely textured evergreen shrub, open form with branches arranged in horizontal spreading layers. Blooms are large dark pink flowers with deep burgundy foliage. T12-12.png
    Lyonia lucida Fetterbush,
    Shiny Lyonia
    Y 3'—10' × 2'—5' Well-Medium
    High White/pink showy flowers in spring; leaf spotting may occur. T12-14.png
    Podocarpus macrophylla "Pringles" Pringles Dwarf Podocarpus N 3'—5' × 3'—5' Well-Medium
    Medium Dark green foliage, slow growing, very dwarf, bushy form of podocarpus. It responds well to pruning.
    Rhaphiolepsis sp. Indian Hawthorn N 2'—10' × 2'—6' Well-Medium
    High Good informal shrub with dark green foliage, flowers in spring; wildlife food. Common varieties uses are "Indica Alba" and "Elizabeth". T12-12.png
    Rosa sp Rose Y 1'—20' × Varies Well-Drained Medium Groundcover, shrub or vinelike, color of flowers variable; disease-resistant cultivars available; most roses require high maintenance, with pest and disease problems (thrips, aphids and leaf spot). T12-14.png
    Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary N 2'—3' × 3' Well-Medium
    High Flowers variable; valued perennial spice plant. T12-18.png
    Russelia equisetiformis Firecracker Plant,
    Coral Plant
    N 3'—5' × 6'—12' Well-Drained High Red flowers all year; good container plant; pest sensitive. T12-17.png
    Russelia sarmentosa Firecracker Plant N 3'—4' × 2'—4' Well-Drained Medium Red flowers in summer to fall; attracts wildlife. T12-17.png
    Salvia officinalis Sage N 2' Medium A perennial spice plant, good for flavoring meat, vegetable, and dairy dishes T12-18.png
    Sabal etonia Scrub Palmetto Y 4'—6' × 4'—6' Well-Drained High Flowers in spring-summer, small, black berries in summer-fall; long-lived (likely over 100 years); tolerates hot, dry conditions; endemic to central Florida sand scrub; difficult to transplant. T12-17.png
    Spiraea Spiraea N 3'—5' × 3'—4' Well-Medium
    Medium White flowers in spring; invasive assessment; Spiraea cantoniensis, Spiraea thunbergii assessed as not a problem, others not yet assessed. T12-12.png
    Stromanthe sanguinea "Triostar" Triostar N 3'—4' × 2'—4' Well-Medium
    Medium Richly variegated foliage that comes in dark pink, white, and green colors. Produces reddish-pink in the spring.
    Thymus vulgaris Thyme N 18" Well-Drained Medium A perennial spice plant, good for flavoring meat, vegetables, and soup.
    Yucca filamenitosa Adams Needle Y 2'—3' × 2'—3' Well-Drained High Leaf rosette with wide flower stems 4'—6' tall in spring.
    Zamia pumila Coontie, Florida Arrowroot, Florida Zamia Y 1'—5' × 3'—5' Well-Drained High Small palmlike perennial plant; evergreen leaves are fine in texture and resemble those of a fern; wildlife value. T12-17.png
    Zamia maritima (furfuracae) Cardboard plant N 2'—5' × 5'—8' Well-Drained High Palmlike/fernlike evergreen plant with leather like leaves, stiff with pubescent (fuzzy) green leaflets; excellent accent or specimen; can freeze but will come back; seeds and caudex poisonous.
    Ground Covers
    Agapanthus africanus Lily of the Nile N ½'—1' × 1'—2' Well-Drained Medium Purple/blue flowers, spring-summer, spreads quickly; cultivars incl. "Peter Pan", "Elaine" and "Elle Mae". T12-12.png
    Ajuga reptans Bugleweed, Carpetweed N 6"—9" × Varies Moist to
    Medium Evergreen spring flowering perennial, foliage varies by cultivar, spreads, excellent for erosion control. T12-12.png
    Arachis glabrata Perennial Peanut N ½' × Varies Well-Drained High Yellow/orange flowers in summer-fall; no nitrogen fertilizer needed; no pest problems; withstands foot traffic and slopes where mowing is difficult. T12-14.png
    Asparagus densiflora
    Foxtail Fern N 2'—3' × 2' Moist to Well-
    Medium Finely ridged somewhat spiney upright prefers partial to full shade. Plant in frost-free zone.
    Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron Plant, Barroom Plant N 1'—3' × 1'—3' Well-Drained High Used for cut foliage; no pest problems: tolerates deep shade.
    Bromeliad spp Bromeliad N 1'—4' × 2'—4' Well-Medium
    Medium Smooth or entire leaf margins, unusual foliage markings and colors. Some species produce fragrant flowers. Neoregalia, Guzmania, Tillandsia.
    Bulbine frutescens Desert Candles N 1'—2' Well High Fleshy green leaves similar to onion leaf blades, creating clumps. Small star-shaped flowers on stalks 2'--3' above foliage in spring through summer. Coppery-orange flowers. T12-12.png
    Caladium x hortulanum Caladium N 1'—2' × 1'—2' Well-Drained Medium Attractive foliage (red, rose, pink, white, silver, bronze, green); leaves die back in the fall; pest-sensitive.
    Cyrtomium falcatum Holly Fern N 2' × 3'—4' Well-Medium
    Medium No major pest problems but watch for scales, mites, mealybugs, snails and slugs: good low-maintanence groundcover in shady sites; evergreen fern.
    Cuphea hyssopifolia False Mexican Heather N 1'—2' × 2-3' Well-Drained High Purple, white and pink flowers year round, not tolerant of hard freeze, cultivar allyson. T12-12.png
    Dianella tasmanica
    Blueberry Flax Lily N 2'—3' × 2'—3' Well-Drained High Evergreen variegated, iris like foliage, a clumping variety.
    Dietes vegeta African Iris N 2'—3' × 2'—3' Well-Medium
    Medium White iris like flowers with swordlike foliage, clumping form. T12-12.png
    Dryopteris spp Autumn Fern Y Varies × Varies Well-Drained Medium Region depends on species - choose species adapted to your area; used as cut foliage.
    Dyschoriste oblongleaf Twin Flower, Oblong Leaf Snakeherb Y 1' × Varies Well-Drained High Lavender flowers all year. T12-17.png
    Evolvulus glormeratus ssp. grandiflorus Blue Daze N 1' × 1'—2' Well-Drained Medium Small mounding groundcover with grey green foliage and vibrant blue flowers in spring to summer. T12-12.png
    Glandularia tampensis Tampa Vervain, Tampa Mock Vervain Y 1'—2' × Varies Well-Drained High Also known as Verbena tampensis; purplish-pink/white flowers in summer; endangered. T12-17.png
    Hedera helix English Ivy N 1' × 1'—6' Well-Drained Medium Watch for aggressive spread to keep contained: no pest problems; rich groundcover in the shade.
    Hemerocallis spp Day lily N 1'—3' × 2' Well-Drained Medium Classified evergreen, semi-evergreen and dormant and range from dwarf to tall varieties. Can bloom early spring through late summer. T12-12.png
    Iris virginica Blue Flag Iris Y 2'—3' × 2'—3' Well-Drained
    to Poorly Drained
    Medium Lavender flowers in spring along lake edge does best in fluctuating water zone. T12-12.png
    Juniperus conferta and cvs. Shore Juniper N 1'—2' × 4'—6' Well-Drained High A low-growing, outward-spreading needled evergreen. The needle color is usually some form of bluish green, turning greenish or bronzy green in winter. Dwarf shore and blue pacific good varieties. T12-17.png
    Juniperus horizontalis and cvs. Creeping Juniper,
    Horizontal Juniper
    N 6" × 8' Well-Drained High Evergreen ground cover with soft, fine-textured plume-like foliage. Long spreading branches, and short twigs that stand upright to form a mat. "Blue Rug" a dependable variety. T12-17.png
    Lantana camara cvs N 1'—2' × Varies Well-Medium
    High Low spreading ground cover that is covered with disk shaped flowers throughout the summer. Use ONLY sterile varieties such as Gold Mound, New Gold, Alba. T12-12.png
    Lantana montevidensis Trailing Lantana N 1'—3' × 4'—8' Well-Drained High White/pink/lavender flowers in summer-fall. T12-14.png
    Lirope muscari Lily turf N 1'—2' × 1'—2' Well-Medium
    High Dense clumps of dark green to variegated varieties, purple flowers in the summer, forms solid groundcover. Big Blue and Emerald Goddess excellent varieties. T12-12.png
    Mimosa stigulosa Sunshine Mimosa,
    Sensitive Plant,
    N 6"—12" × Varies Well-Drained
    to Moist
    High Perennial vine with pink pom-pom like flowers, can be lawn substitute. Attractive to bees and butterflies. T12-14.png
    Ophiopogon japonicus and spp. Mondo Grass,
    Dwarf Lilyturf,
    Dwarf Liriope
    N 1' × Varies Well-Drained Medium Dark green fine textured grass-like groundcover, grows well in shade and compacted areas. Variegated variety
    Rumohra adiantiformis Leatherleaf Fern,
    Seven Weeks Fern
    N 1'—3' × 4'—5' Medium-Drained Medium Ideal groundcover for shaded area, dark green leathery fronds form a dense mat of lacy foliage.
    Trachelospermum asiaticum Small-leaf dwarf jasmine N Varies × Varies Well-Medium
    Medium Excellant ground cover withstands foot traffic; good for slopes/bank stabilization; no serious pest problems.
    Tulbaghia violacea Society Garlic N 18"—24" × Varies Well-Drained High Clusters of lavender, sweet scented flowers in early summer through fall. Edible grasslike foliage that smells and tastes like garlic. Flowers are attactive to bees and other pollinators. T12-19.png
    Vinca major Periwinkle N 1'—2' × Varies Well-Medium
    Medium Blue/purple/lavender flowers in summer; no pest problems; good for shaded, small gardens. Poisonous if ingested. Do not use V. minor, which is invasive. T12-12.png
    Grasses & Bamboo
    Andropogon spp. Bluestern Grass Y 3'—10' × 3'—7' Well-Medium
    High Soil moisture preference depends on species, check with Extension office or nursery before making final selection; silver/white/pink flowers in fall.
    Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana Wiregrass Y 2'—4' × 2'—3' Well-Medium
    High Wiregrass is a very important grass that provides food and shelter for wildlife. Strongs flexible, wire-like, thin grass; highly flammable, useful in clearing the surrounding long leaf pine flatwoods.
    Bambusa spp. Bamboo N Varies × Varies Medium-Drained Medium "Runner" forms of bamboo are invasive and not permitted; use only the "clumping" varieties.
    Cortaderia selloana Pampasgrass N 10'—12' × 6'—8' Well-Drained High Flammable; in wildfire-prone area, plant min. 30' from buildings; white flowers in summer, sharp-edged leaf.
    Eragrostis ellicottii Elliot's Lovegrass Y 1' × 1'—3' Well-Medium
    High Short bunch grass for dry areas; silver leaves and white flowers give it a misty look in the fall.
    Eragrostis spectabilis Purple Lovegrass Y 1'—3' × 1'—3' Well-Medium
    High Small red/purple flowers all year, especially fall; grows best in hot, dry sites; does not tolerate wet, shady sites.
    Muhlenbergia capillaris Muhly Grass Y 2'—5' × 2'—3' Well, Medium,
    High Drained
    High Bunch grass with a showy pink plumage in fall; tolerates extreme drought and flooding. T12-12.png
    Panicum virgatum and cvs. Panic Grass, Switch Grass Y 1'—5' × 1'—5' Well-Drained High Warm perennial grass is native grass to pastures, and naturalized along roadsides. Switchgrass is grown as a drought-resistant ornamental grass in average to wet soils and in full sun to part shade.
    Paspalum quadrifarium Evergreen Paspalum, Crown Grass N 2'—3' × 2'—3' Well-Drained High Leaf blades are broad under irrigation and roll up when dry. Maintains a dark green foliage all year long.
    Spartina spp. Cordgrass Y 3' × 3' Well, Medium, High Drained High Showy bunch grass with tan flowers in summer good for mass planting.
    Tripsacum dactyloides Fakahatchee Grass Y 3' × 4' Wet to Well-Drained Moderate Full sun to light shade; no serious pest problems.
    Allamanda cathartica Yellow Allamanda N Varies × Varies Well-Drained Medium Yellow flowers all year; all plant parts are poisonous, cultivars Hendersonii (dwarf) & Cherries Jubilee. T12-12.png
    Aristolochia sp Dutchman's pipe,
    Y 10'—15' × Varies Medium-Drained Medium White/purple flowers in summer and winter, larval food plant for pipevine swallowtail butterfly and polydamas butterfly. Do not use A. littoralis (Cat. II invasive). T12-14.png
    Bignonia capreolata Cross Vine, Trumpet Flower Y Varies &times Varies Well-Medium
    High Trumpet shaped orange flowers in spring, hummingbird attractor, good cultivars include "Tangerine Beauty" and "Shalimar Red". T12-14.png
    Bougainvillea Bougainvillea N Varies &times 15'—40' Well-Drained High Pink/yellow/orange/white flowers all year, esp. winter spring; freezes in parts of central region; invasive assessment: Bougainvillea glabra assessed as not a problem, others not yet assessed. T12-12.png
    Campsis grandiflora Chinese Trumpet Creeper N Varies &times Varies Medium-Drained Medium Deciduous asian counterpart to the native, more refined, less aggressive, less weedy. Cultivars "Morning-Calm", "Madame Galan". T12-14.png
    Campsis radicans Trumpet Creeper, Trumpet Vine Y Fast—40' &times Varies Medium-Drained Medium Orange/red flowers in spring-summer. T12-14.png
    Clerodendrum x speciosum Java Glory Vine N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained High Showy red flower clusters set off by dark green leaves. T12-12.png
    Clerodendrum thomsoniae Bleeding Heart N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained High Flowers in large cluster with white calyx surrounds the red corolla tube. Cultivars 'Delectum' and 'Variegata'. T12-12.png
    Clitoria trenata Butterfly Pea N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained High Well behaved vine that blooms nearly year round, reseeds or rejuvinates from roots. T12-14.png
    Clytostoma callistegioides Painted Trumpet Vine N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained Medium Glossy dark green foliage attractive all year, lavender striped flowers abundant in spring. T12-12.png
    Combretum aubletii Monkey's brush N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained Medium Orange-red flowers in fall to late spring, vigourous climber best on a heavy arbor or trellis. T12-12.png
    Cryptostegia gandiftora Rubber Vine N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained Medium Vigorous long dark glossy green leaves, prolific dark lavender bloom. T12-12.png
    Cydista aequinoctialis Garlic Vine N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained Medium Long funnel-like lavender-pink showy flower clusters, foliage has garlic odor when crushed. T12-12.png
    Dalechampia dioscoraefolia Bow Tie Vine N Varies &times Varies Well-Drained Medium Vigorous grower and bloomer, blooms best with adequate moisture, fuschia colored bracts as wide as 6" across. T12-12.png
    Decumaria barbara Cowitch Vine, Climbing Hydrangea Y Varies &times Varies Well-Medium
    Low Native deciduous climber with large fragrant flowers, requires water. T12-12.png
    Ficus pumila Creeping fig N 4" &times Varies Well-Medium
    High Vigorous evergreen climbing vine great for covering walls. Variegated form available. Can be invasive.
    Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine, Yellow Jasmine Y 40' × 20'—30' Well-Medium
    Low Yellow flowers in late winter to spring; rapid growth; no pest problems; poisonous. T12-14.png
    Hedera canariensis Algerian Ivy, Canary Ivy N ½'— 1' × 1'—6' Well-Drained Medium Watch for aggressive spread to keep contained: no pest problems: rich groundcover in the shade.
    Hedera helix English Ivy N 1'—2' × 2'—5' Well-Drained Medium Dark green foliage spreading aggressively, keep contained: poisonous.
    Ipomoea Morning Glory Y ½' × 10'—75' Well-Medium
    High Flowers variable; use within a border, can spread easily.
    Jasminum multiflorum Downy Jasmine N 5'—10' × 5'—10' Well-Drained Medium White, fragrant flowers all year; dies back when cold and comes back: pest sensitive. T12-12.png
    Lonicera sempervirens Honeysuckle, Coral Honeysuckle Y 10'—15' × Varies Well-Drained Medium Red flowers in spring-summer; relatively pest free: birds feed on fruits. T12-14.png
    Mandevilla Pink Allamanda,
    N Varies × Varies Well-Drained Medium Many cultivatars; pink/white flowers all year. T12-12.png
    Millettia reticulata Evergreen Wisteria N Varies × Varies Well-Drained Low Purple flowers in summer to fall. T12-12.png
    Passiflora incarnata Maypop, Passion Vine Y 5'—10' × Varies Medium-Drained High Pink/purple flowers in summer-fall; larval food plant of zebra longwing and gulf fritillary butterflies; tolerates occasionally wet soil. T12-19.png
    Thunbergia alata Black-eyed Susan Vine N 10" × 10' Well-Drained Low Yellow flowers in summer. T12-12.png
    Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate Jasmine, Star Jasmine N Varies × Varies Well-Medium
    Medium White, fragrant, showy flowers in spring: can be aggressive: no serious pests but watch for scales and sooty mold. T12-14.png
    Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine Grape Y Varies Moist to Well- Drained Medium Deciduous. Fruit is excellent; relatively hardy plant and disease resistant. Requires trellising, pruning. T12-11.png
    Wisteria frutescens American Wisteria Y 10'—20' × 6'—12' Well-Drained Medium Lavender, fragrant flowers in spring: poisonous parts. Do not use Wisteria sinensis (Cat. II invasive). T12-12.png
    Aquatic and Wetland Plants
    Upper Littoral Zone (6" above or below the normal water level)
    Canna flaccida Golden Canna Y 2'—3' tall Moist Not applicable Grows along the water's edge with large yellow flowers. T12-12.png
    Iris hexagona Blue Flag Iris, Louisiana Iris Y 12"—18" Poorly-Drained Not applicable This aquatic iris has blue flowers with yellow highlights: found along the water's edge. I. hexagona var. Savanna. T12-12.png
    Juncus effusus Soft Rush Y 24"—36" tall Poorly-Drained Not applicable This rush grass has dark green foliage during the winter months.
    Spartina bakeri Cordgrass Y 4'—6' tall Moist High Generally planted just above the water level, showy bunch grass with tan flowers in summer. Good for erosion control along water bodies.
    Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Y 60'—80' × 15'—30' Poorly-Drained
    to Well-Drained
    High Deciduous canopy tree; wildlife value.
    Middle Littortal Zone (from 1' to 3' below normal water level)
    Pontederia cordata Pickerel weed Y 12"—24" tall Submerged Not Applicable An emergent aquatic plant that grows in 6"--18" of water and has showy purple flowers. T12-12.png
    Sagittaria lancifolia Duck Potato
    Arrowhead Lanceleaf
    Y 12"—36" tall Submerged Not Applicable This emergent aquatic plant has white flowers and grows in 0--12" of water. T12-12.png
    Sagittaria latifolia Arrowhead Y 12"—36" tall Submerged Not Applicable Showy white flowers. T12-12.png
    Scirpus validus Soft-stem bulrush Y 8' tall Submerged Not Applicable Sedge stems with brown spikelets of flowers.
    Taxodium ascendens Pond Cypress Y 60'—80' × 15'—30' Moist to Submerged High Deciduous canopy tree; wildlife value.
    Lower Littoral Zone (from 3' to 5' below normal water level)
    Nelumbo lutea American Lotus Y 6" above water Submerged Not Applicable Showy yellow flower. T12-12.png
    Nuphar luteum Spatterdock Lily Y 6" above water Submerged Not Applicable Small plain yellow flower. T12-12.png
    Nymphaea odorata Fragrant White Water Lily Y 6" above water Submerged Not Applicable Showy yellow flower. T12-12.png
    Scirpus californicus Bulrush Y 6'—8' Submerged Not Applicable A tall rush with showy seed heads in summer and fall and grows in 1—3' of water.


(Ord. No. 2013-74, § 1, 12-9-2013, Doc. #1312091207)