Orlando |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 61.212. Standards for the Access Management System.
For facilities in the Major Thoroughfare System, the Access Classification shall be based on the roadways' primary role in the overall network and by the nature of the abutting land uses as described in the following:
Classification A. These facilities are controlled access roads where direct access to abutting land will be controlled to maximize the operation of the through traffic movement. These facilities may include existing or planned restrictive medians, shared left turn lanes, or be undivided. The Access Classification is intended to provide maximum separation between traffic signals and driveway connections. Arterial roadways abutting large land parcels and lying outside the Traditional City overlay district or similarly developed neighborhoods shall be classified as A.
Classification B. These facilities serve a greater role in bringing traffic into the main streams of mobility and are allowed to provide less restrictive access than that permitted for Access Class A. Connection separation is less than that required for Classification A, but is still sufficiently controlled to create a safe environment for vehicular and other mobility modes. This Classification applies to both arterial and collector roadways that lie outside the Traditional City overlay district and similarly developed neighborhoods and that generally abut smaller land parcels.
Classification C. As these roadways are typically abutted by the most compact land parcels and have generally lower posted speed limits the control of access is the least restrictive. Driveway and intersection connections are allowed with the least separation for any facilities in the Major Thoroughfare System. All segments of the Major Thoroughfare plan that are within core areas, those segments within predominately residential areas, and those segments designated as Urban Collectors shall be given the Access Classification of C.
Separation requirements for each Access Management Classification are given in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below. All separation distances shall be measured at the outermost limit of the right-of-way between the nearest two paved edges of driveways or the back of curb of roadways (see Figure 2a). Connection permits on every facility segment on the Major Thoroughfare System issued after adoption of this amendment shall meet the requirements of this section.
(Ord. of 9-16-1991, Doc. #25098; Ord. No. 2017-74, § 1, 1-22-2018, Dec. #1801221203)