§ 68.322. Parking.  

Latest version.
  • Additional parking standards are included in Part 4, Circulation Standards. However, the following standards affect non-residential structures:


    Shared Parking. Where a mix of uses creates staggered peak periods of parking demand, shared parking calculations may reflect a reduction in the total amount of required parking. Retail, office, and entertainment uses should share parking areas and quantities, particularly within mixed use centers.


    On-Street Parking. Adjacent on-street parking shall be counted towards a land uses parking requirement. The amount of on-street parking should be maximized.


    Reduce Scale of Lots. Large surface lots shall be visually and functionally segmented into several smaller lots. CPTED standards should be utilized in the design of parking areas. Designs that reduce visibility, especially between parking areas and business entrances, should be discouraged. Land devoted to surface parking lots should be reduced, over time, through redevelopment and/or construction of structured parking facilities.


    Surface Parking. For all commercial or employment uses other than industrial and warehousing, surface parking areas should be planted with shade trees at an approximate ratio of one tree for every five spaces. Trees should be set into a tree grate or landscaped walkway and protected by bollards or tree guards.


    Permeable Paving. The use of permeable paving to reduce surface run-off may be permitted, particularly in over-flow and seasonal parking areas. However, retention and detention facilities shall be required as per OUSWMM.

(Ord. of 5-10-1999, § 10, Doc. #32070)